Tuesday, December 9, 2008

He's Just Not That Into You

Publishers Weekly gave this synposis, "It’s a classic single-woman scenario: you really like this guy, but he’s giving mixed messages. You make excuses, decide he’s confused, afraid of commitment. Behrendt, a former executive story editor for Sex and the City—and a formerly single (now happily married) guy who knows all the excuses—provides a simple answer: he’s just not that into you. Stop kidding yourself, let go and look for someone else who will be. After all, as Behrendt sensibly puts it, "if a (sane) guy really likes you, there ain’t nothing that’s going to get in his way." If you’re not convinced yet, by all means read this smart, funny and surprisingly upbeat little book, full of q’s and a’s covering every excuse woman has ever made to avoid admitting to herself that a man just wasn’t that smitten with her."


Liza P. said...

i've heard so much about this book and, alas, my best friend has told me to read it bc i need it! haha

also interested in the movie. i keep seeing the trailer lately

Tenise said...

I can't wait for this movie. I love movies that deal with relationships. And, WE single women need to be at this movie in groups to get the message. Spread the word to your friends and I will do the same.